The type of blog we completed this term, is also a bit edgy, if our administrators took offence to what we have written. I though, strongly believe that the pupose of thie clas was to put us on the edge. We are examining topics that are up coming, and futuristic, but already here and being used. Several times, I have heard my peers in this class state that they are "pushing peoples buttons" at their schools. Inherantly, humans don't like to change, unless the see the motivation to make the change.
School districts have invested millions of dollars on "traditional" tools for educators to use in the classroom. Using other peoples stuff, found online through home computers (because these sites are blocked at the schools) is frowned upon, even though the educational experience is enhanced by using these new found, and often free, tools.
I am of the belief that students are engaged by technology, hence, my purpose for attending Full Sail University. These students have been brought up surrounded by technology. My children were 4 when they stated using computer games; many kids are even younger. In the past, values were things taught at home, but with technology, educators are the ones who are having to teach the value of technology as a learning tool. Unfortunately, the educators are behind the proverbial eight-ball, since they are only familiar with basic programs, and don't have the chutz-pah to change.
The school administrators are fighting a loosing battle to be the gatekeepers of information. In 10 years computers will be over 1000 times faster than they are today and will always be connected to the internet via cell or local wifi. Every student will have one from elementary school on. What do the administrators do then? That is only 10 years away. Can our education system change that fast? I doubt it...